How To Get Rid Of Eye Pimple

 Eye stye is the most common eye problem and it looks like an eye pimple, this type of eye pimple can happen at anyone at any point in life.

Eye pimple is a common eye condition that affects millions of Americans. A stye is not normally a serious condition, but it can be painful and irritating.

Eye stye is the most annoying because it destroys all your appearance and looks ugly.

Eye pimple or eye will heal on their own in about a week. Today, I will share homemade remedies that can help you to get rid of these eye stye fast.

What Is Eye Pimple(stye)

Eye stye is red, swollen lumps that form at the edge of eyelids, and close to the lashes it looks likes an eye pimple. Eye stye can form on the outside of edges and the other one is inside.

Our eyelids have lots of tiny oil glands, especially around the eyelashes. when eh dirt, dead skin, oil buildup can blog these small holes and the gland is blocked.

Then the bacteria can grow inside and cause these types of eye pimples. Eye stye is usually filled with pus and pain. Eye pimple can be treated on their own within a week or 2 weeks.

A stye is two types: when the eye pimple is located at the base of an eyelash follicle is known as the external stye. While the eye pimple is found in the oil gland or under the eyelid is known as internal eye stye.

Some other factors that cause eye stye such as, stress, dehydration, hormonal changes, poor hygiene, and poor nutrients.

People who are suffering from the eye stye or eye pimple can face these issues such as swelling in the eye, pain itching, mucus, discharge, increased sensitivity to light, tenderness, difficulty in blinking eyes.

How Do You Get A Stye?

An external eye pimple develops when one of the hair follicles of the eyelashes has becomes are infected. While internal styles will affect the underside of the eyelid. Most of the eye styes are caused by the bacterium.

While the other bacteria include other types of staph such as Staphylococcus epidermis and also cause eye pimple.

Anyone can get an eye pimple because most people will carry the type of staph that will cause the infection.

Anything that will cause these bacteria to spread to the eye that will increase the risk of developing eye pimple.

Some of the potential risk factors include:

  • Having blepharitis the condition that will cause skin irritation on the eyelid.
  • Weak immune system due to diabetes or another medical conditions.
  • Previous history of eye pimple
  • The high amount of serum on lipids
  • Having skin condition such as rosacea
  • Sharing eye makeup with someone who has an eye stye.

Using eye care products or eye makeup that irritate the eyelids or it will block the hair follicles of the eyelash. 

Let’s have a look at some natural remedies for eye stye treatment. Here are some homemade eye pimple remedies.

How To Get Rid Of A Stye

1. Coriander Seeds For Eye Pimple

Coriander leaves are in the best eye pimple remedy because it contains anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the edema in the eye.

Boil some coriander seeds in water for a few minutes. Then let the water cool and then strain the water. Then rinse your eye with the cooled down coriander water. Repeat the process twice or thrice a day for a better result.

2. Cloves

Cloves are the natural painkiller and disinfectant which works great on the stye. It contains antibacterial properties that can reduce the swelling of stye and is also contain antioxidants that can in health stye fast.

But it can create may cause a burning sensation if it enters your eyes so use it carefully.

Grind few cloves and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste corner of the eyelash to the other end and little on the stye too. Let it dry for a few hours. then rinse it with water.

3. Saltwater For Eye Pimple

The saltwater remedy can work on eye pimple as an antimicrobial agent. The warm water can soothe the irritation of eye stye and reduce pain naturally. It also reduces the swelling of eye pimple and promotes blood circulation.

Boil water in a pan and add some salt in it. Let them cool after then dip a towel in salt water and compress the affected area with the water. Leave it for 5-20 minutes or until the towel not warm. Repeat this price twice a day until the stye can be healed.

4. Potato

Potato is a great remedy for eye pimple treatment because it is a mild astringent which is great of stye. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that will reduce the pain, swelling and also prevent infections.

Peel and grate 1 small potato in a clean cloth and wrap around it. Then place this cloth on the affected area for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this process 2 times a day.

5. Garlic For Eye Pimple

Garlic is well known to cure an eye pimple naturally and fast. It contains antibacterial properties which can give the relief the pain of syte, swelling, and reduce the stye.

Crush the garlic clove and squeeze the juice then apply this juice on the affected area carefully. Then rinse your eye with the lukewarm water after it dry. Ensure that it doesn’t enter the eyes because it may cause a stingy effect. Repeat this process twice a day for better results and fast relief.

eye pimple


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